ChowTime AR.

ChowTime AR lets users generate recipes from ingredients in their fridge, scanned in real-time with augmented reality.

Mobile concept


Winter 2021

ChowTime AR render


ChowTime AR lets users generate recipes from ingredients in real-time by hovering over them using augmented reality. The ingredient scanning process is completely tap free, allowing users to add, remove, and view in one place.

My role

Interaction Designer
Visual Designer


1 Designer (Me!)
2 Developers


React Native

This was the old design.

ChowTime was an app idea I came up with at a hackathon which let's users generate real recipes from ingredients in pictures. It was released on both the App Store and Playstore during Summer 2020. However, ChowTime had poor UX and desperately needed a redesign.

ChowTime AR on PlayStore

What did users think of it?

Users like the conceptMistakes was the most common describing wordUsers had many wantsAll users said it was difficult to use

The key problems.

Our current users overall liked the concept but weren't ready to use it over and over. I was able to breakdown the key insights from the user interviews to better understand user needs. I also gathered the "magic wishes" of users.

1. Many mistakes

Ingredients misidentified or not identified, caused them to restart the process.

2. Lot's of pictures

The current process caused users to fill up their camera roll with pictures of ingredients.

3. Unintuitive

The process was long and slow. The UI didn't follow follow modern design patterns.

Our goal.

Make ChowTime more intuitive, lean, and fun

1. Intuitive

Our new process needs to be fast and easy. Mistakes should be easy to resolve.

2. Lean

We need to think of a way to "scan" ingredients without using pictures on the fly.

3. Fun

It's kind of a slog to use ChowTime right now. Our team need to make a POC thats fun.


Each team member was tasked to come up with 2-3 ideas to help solve our problems in scoping meetings. The winning idea was a full app redesign with a “live” ingredient adding experience. We then explored potential "live" experiences.

AR vs Live Recognition

We looked at another recipe app that lets users add ingredients live. This app would track items with the camera, but was prone to lagging and ghost images. AR is more seamless and immersive, with no lag.

Another ingredient adding app

Initial idea for AR in ChowTime

Hover over ingredients and mark them each with small tags with real-time scanning. The virtual AR content would be the tags themselves. We would require an object recognition model trained by scanning raw 3D ingredients as reference objects.

Apple's scanning and detecting 3D objects tutorial

Technical requirements

We need detection and recognition to have our tags interact and scan the ingredient itself. We need tracking to keep the ingredient tag in place even if a user picks it up or goes to another part of the room. Developers chose a Unity + ARKit combo.

Unity and AR Kit

Key decision #1.

Create an AR ingredient adding experience

Time to explore.

Each team member was new to AR. Developers only wanted to develop the application in Unity only after some user validation. So I took a strictly design-only route before anything was implemented to see if using AR was right for our users.

I started exploring how to design for AR, while reworking the the user flow and information architecture of the app.

Interaction design org, 5 dimensions of ARUserflow for ChowTime
Measure by Apple and Pokemon Go by NianticInformation architecture

Early design work.

After exploration and initial planning was done, it was time to move onto wireframes and initial designs. A mini-design system was also created.

There were two versions for the AR wireframes. However, we went with Version 2 since it was the least intrusive on-screen (especially if there were multiple ingredients). I also realized that users may need a way to learn how to use AR.

Version 1 AR tutorial
Style guideComponents and variants
Iteration 1 AR TutorialIteration 1 AR Experience

User testing setup.

After the first iterations of the designs were done, it was time to see how our users felt. However, we realized that it's really difficult to mimic the AR experience with a static prototype test without developing the app. We split our user test into 2 steps for each of the 4 users.

Step 1 — Gauge distance from ingredients

Demo apps like Measure to familiarize AR, asking questions like “How would you scan an ingredient”, “What do expect from a tap-free process?” etc.

User positioning an ingredient up close

Step 2 — Use the new recipe generating process

Told users that scrolling on this prototype was equivalent to moving the camera side-to-side, while asking them to select 3 of the ingredients they had “scanned before”.

ChowTime AR testing prototype

User testing results.

Users centered ingredientUsers expected something when hoveringAppreciated the tutorial process, but did not like the current processTap-to-add system needs to change

Key decision #2.

Change tap-to-add into a hover-based system

Final designs and decisions.

ChowTIme AR rendersAR TutorialNew ingredient scanning processIngredient adding + recipe generationDescribing UIDescribing guiding crosshairs in UIDescribing UIOld versus new camera Old versus new homescreen


ChowTime AR was described as intuitiveIngredient scanning process was 3 times fasterIncorrect ingredients were replaced in less than 5 seconds


  • Augmented Reality ended up being a fun and interactive solution
  • Immersion matters — combining the ingredient scanning and viewing into one screen was essential
  • I wish I dived into working with Unity at the start as it would’ve sped up many parts of the design process

Next steps

Handoff to developers + learn how do upgrade my design process for AR with Unity, to work fast with devs.

Scan more than just raw ingredients (recognizing packaging, barcodes etc) and allow the user to have recipe preferences (They may always want drinks, or food etc)

ChowTime AR render

This website was designed from scratch in Figma and implemented in Webflow by Rikin Patel in 2021.